
Education//Curriculum Development

–      What is civics?

–      Textbook civics

–      Global specific:  Niagara Falls, N.Y.

–      Completely analysis and description of governmental structure/operation

–      Educational components for:

–      Civic duty – vote/support;

–      Civic duty – obligations of those in positions of authority;

–      High School level civics: who does what; how is government constructed;

–      College level civics:  the levers of power, what is control, and how can you get control;-      Continuing education/citizen education:  where does all the money go?  What do I get for civics;

One of the first things we’ll need to do is build the model of who does what in the city. That starts with people. Who has positions of control for the city of Niagara Falls. Things such as:

  • List of official government positions and responsibilities;
  • Who does what; job descriptions, terms,   
  • Unofficial/Non-public officials – churchs, community group organizations and leadership;  Niagara University involvement;
  • Safety:  police and fire.  Defined roles;
  • Educational structure;